Thailand Higher Education Music Academic Network – THEMAN
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3/2018 THEMAN’s official meeting was held in August at Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, Thailand in which more than 30 institutions participated. The majority of the institutions attending this meeting were from the provincial parts of Thailand.
The agendas of the 3/2018 THEMAN’s official meeting include:
- The criteria for the selection of qualified experts: the qualifications of the experts proposed in the meeting by THEMAN insist of such expert’s stage presentation, their professional work and performances that have achieved critical acclaim in the field of music. This proposal will then be presented to the Council of Fine and Applied Arts Deans of Thailand (CFADT).
From meeting: THEMAN’s Members to send format about qualifications of the experts to the Council of Fine and Applied Arts Deans of Thailand (CFADT).
- Southeast Asia Music Education Exchange – SEAMEX 2018 at Thai Cultural Center in August 2018
Southeast Asia Music Education Exchange – SEAMEX 2018- World Music Showcase and Talks, Choral Music Showcase, Jazz Band Concert, Workshops and Band Clinic, Music Exhibition and market Place, Band Competition from the institutions attending this competition were from the provincial parts of Thailand and Asia.
Book the Date- THEMAN’s official meeting
1/2019 THEMAN’s official meeting, which will be hosted by The College of Music, Mahidol University will be held in January 2019 at the Thailand International Jazz Conference – TIJC 2019
2/2019 THEMAN’s official meeting, which will be hosted by The Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, will be held in February-March 2019 at THEMSN’s project performance
3/2019 THEMAN’s official meeting, which will be hosted by The Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, will be held in February-March 2019 at the PGVIM International Symposium 2019
Thailand Higher Education Music Student Network –THEMSN
2/2018 THEMSN’s official meeting was held in August at Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, Thailand in which more than 30 institutions participated. The majority of the institutions attending this meeting were from the provincial parts of Thailand.
The agendas of the 3/2018 THEMAN’s official meeting include:
- THEMSN Workshop on 17-18 November 2018 – Workshop for preparing the project performance.
- THEMSN Workshop on February –March 2019 – The Music project and Festival at The Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music,
Upcoming performance
- Thailand International Jazz Conference – TIJC 2019
College of Music, Mahidol University in January 2019
- The Thailand International Wind Symphony Competition – TIWSC 2019
College of Music, Mahidol University in February 2019
- THEMSN’s Music project and Festival
The Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music in February-March 2019