General Assembly SEADOM Congress 2019 at ISI Yogjakarta
General Assembly - 3.15pm, March 15, 2019
Sasana Ajiyasa Building, ISI Yogjakarta
List of Attendees
- Prof. Bernard Lanskey
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Joseph L. Bowman
- Ms Jenny Ang
- Dr. Jean-David Caillouet
- Dr. Narong Prangcharoen
- Dr. Paul Cesarczyk
- Prof. Dr. P’ng Tean Hwa
- Justin Hegburg
- Ms. Isabella Pek
- Mr. Azmi bin Jaffri
- Mr. Muhamad Zulkifli bin Che Mat Reduan
- Mr. Martin Prchal
- Mr. Muhammad Razin bin Abdul Shukor
- Associate Professor Dr. Tazul Izan Tajuddin
- Mr. Henry-David Varema
- Mr. Don Bowyer
- Fanzie Wirradisas
- Ardea R. S.
- Dr. Agastya Rama Listya
- Dr. LaVerne David C. de la Pena
- Dr. Mayco Saentella
- Mr. Antonius Sugeng Priyanto
- Ms. Natsarun Tissadikhun
- Associate Professor Dr. Clare Chan Suet Ching
- Ms. Lily Chiam
- Mr. Wallapa Nutchanart (SEADOM office)
- Ms. Natcha Techaaphonchai (SEADOM office)
- Dr. Anothai Nitibhon - Treasurer
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ramona Mohd. Tahir – Secretary
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shahanum Mohd. Shah - Assistant Secretary
Also in Attendance (Students)
- Chan Yee Shen
- Muhammad Aiman bin Mohd Rozimi
- Ilysia Tan Jiayng
- Nigel Foo Shi Rong
- Muhd. Shakkir
- Phiphattanaphong Nongsombut
- Panapong Nanhna
- Giant Trinunda Prayudha
- Dayangku Iffah Nur Atiqah
- Maleva Ristananda
- Iqbal Harja Maulana
- Jaime Dela Cruz
- John Jing Dao, Ling
- Nur Hasha Shamira
- Angela Montano
- Muhamad Haris bin Arifin
- Kok Choy Foong (Cornie)
- Koh Li Qing (Jacquelyn)
- Waris Sukontapatiparh
- SEADOM Information Sharing
- Officer Progress Reports
- CEO Report
- Website
- Membership
- SEADOM Bank Account
- Congress 2020
- Proposals for Consideration
- Changes to Membership Categories
- Proposed Membership Rates for 2019/2020 Member Year
- President’s Comments
- Other Matters
- SEAMEX 2019
- Concerns/Motions from the Members
- Close of Meeting
- Adjournment of General Assembly.
AGENDA 1 SEADOM Information Sharing
- The SEADOM Chief Executive Officer (CEO) introduced the SEADOM office staff to SEADOM members.
- He also showed the updated SEADOM website which also showcases shared events and festivals organized by member institutions.
- There are currently a total of 73 SEADOM members, of which 35 are Active Members, 10 are (institutional) Associate Members, and 28 are (individual) Associate Members.
- As of March 12, 2019, the amount of monies in the SEADOM bank account stands at THB421,386.60.
- The SEADOM 2020 Congress will be held in Singapore.
- The SEADOM President notes his thanks to the SEADOM Chief Executive Officer, Assistant Professor Dr. Joseph Bowman for everything he is doing with the SEADOM Office.
AGENDA 2 Proposals for Consideration
- The CEO tabled changes to the SEADOM membership categories which came from suggestions from previous congress evaluations forms and also from colleagues interested in developing music education in South East Asia.
- The first proposal is to expand Active Membership to organizations and individuals which will allow each to send up to four (4) representatives to the SEADOM Congress as opposed to the current limit of just two (2) representatives. All Active Members must pay the extra costs if they send more than four (4) representatives to the congress.
- The second proposal is to offer three (3) membership categories instead of the present two (2) categories. The proposed three (3) membership categories are Active Member, Associate Member (Organization/Institution), and Associate Member (Individual).
- The third proposal is to increase the membership fees for the 2019/2020 member year to THB6000 (Active Member), THB4000 (Associate Member – Institution/Organization), and THB3000 (Associate Member – Individual).
- Professor P’ng Tean Hwa (Malaysia) suggested a lower fee of THB2000 for the Associate Member – Individual category so as encourage individual engagement in SEADOM. Dr. Agastya Rama Listya (Indonesia) sought confirmation that there have not been any changes in the SEADOM membership fee for five (5) years. The SEADOM President announced that members might approach SEADOM to solicit support for membership fees.
- Members voted and unanimously agreed to accept the above proposals.
AGENDA 3 President’s Comments
- The SEADOM President commented that a lot has happened in the last 12 months to the evolution of SEADOM – among which ASEAN acknowledgement of SEADOM and the development of the SEADOM website.
- According to the president, there has been a shift in the South East Asia (SEA) university sector from 10 years ago when we first set up SEADOM.
- Involvement in SEADOM has helped SEA universities to connect and to develop regional collaborations. There is a potential for us to get regional support – for example from arts councils and organizations related to the arts. The President proposes that we advocate at the national level for the region.
- SEADOM can reach a new stage of being robust, more visible and of higher impact if we can work together and get more funding. The President also urged all members to pay our membership fees annually. He thanked all the people who had put themselves forward for the role of Executive Committee, and hoped that in the next two (2) years SEADOM can have an actual election for the EXCO.
AGENDA 4 Other Matters
- SEAMEX 2019 will be held in Yogjakarta, Indonesia in late August.
- SEADOM will be joining the International Music Council as a Regional Member.
- Dr. Mayco Santaella (Malaysia) suggested that membership fees be paid for every two years (rather than yearly). He also suggested SEADOM to implement the election process for the SEADOM presidency and for the National Representative.
- Professor Dr. P’ng Tean Hwa (Malaysia) asked if there is a guideline to the number of countries represented in the EXCO. The CEO responded in the negative and explained that this is due to the fact that SEADOM is registered in Thailand where rules are meant only for national associations. The President added that an open call had been conducted and advocacy was implemented to get people to put themselves forward to be an EXCO member. The appointment of EXCO is for a two-year term during which members can be thinking of how the appointment of EXCO members can be different in the future. To this, the CEO requested for all members to forward their suggestions by filling up the congress evaluation forms.
- Associate Professor Dr. Clare Chan Suet Ching (Malaysia) mentioned that some members were not here at the congress because they were unable to secure the required funding to attend, and suggested that SEADOM think about how it can help those who need to be at the congress. The President responded to say that the raised membership fees would help people who need funding. He added that SEADOM is growing and committed to getting a diverse representation, as opposed to just numbers.
AGENDA 5 Close of Meeting
- The President thanks all members for attending the General Assembly.
AGENDA 6 Adjournment of General Assembly
- There being no other matters, the General Assembly was adjourned at 4.15 pm.