Active Member
Music schools of ASEAN nations (conservatoires, colleges, academies or university departments/faculties, etc.) or Southeast Asian organizations with music educational dimensions to their identity (e.g. orchestras, youth orchestras, youth choirs, community arts organizations, examination boards, festivals). Each active member designates one representative as the voting member (usually Dean, Director, CEO or their appointed representative). Active membership entitles people from the represented organization to attend the yearly SEADOM Congress. (Every person from the organization who attends the Congress must pay a Congress registration fee, which is separate from the SEADOM Membership fee.)
Associate Member (Organization)
Music schools (conservatoires, colleges, academies or university departments/faculties, etc.) organizations with music educational dimensions to their identity (e.g. orchestras, youth orchestras, youth choirs, community arts organizations, examination boards, festivals) from OUTSIDE Southeast Asia. Associate members are non-voting members. Associate member (organization) entitles people from the represented organization to attend the yearly SEADOM Congress. (Every person from the organization who attends the Congress must pay a Congress registration fee, which is separate from the SEADOM Membership fee.)
Associate Member (Individual)
Individuals with a strong interest in the development of music education in Southeast Asia and in particular with the evolution of a regional network to energize such growth. Individuals may have institutional affiliations but prefer to connect to the SEADOM at a personal level. Associate members are non-voting members. Associate member (individual) entitles the individual member to attend the yearly SEADOM Congress. (The person who attends the Congress must pay a Congress registration fee, which is separate from the SEADOM Membership fee.)
Membership Fee
- Active Member - 6,000 Thai Baht or approximately US 190 per membership year (October 1 – September 30)
- Associate Member (Organization) - 4,000 Thai Baht or approximately US 125 per membership year
- Associate Member (Individual) - 2,000 Thai Baht or approximately US 65 per membership year
Join us and completed application form on our website: